What is a Treegator Original made from?
A Treegator Original is made of green UV-stabilized polyethylene plastic with reinforced cording for added durability against tears and rips.
How long does it take for a Treegator Original to empty?
The time it takes for a Treegator Original to empty is approximately 5 to 9 hours. This may vary slightly depending on weather conditions, soil and tree types, etc.
Can I adjust the drip time on a Treegator Original?
The water release rates cannot be adjusted on a Treegator Original. Treegator Slow Release Watering Bags are designed to provide deep water saturation in the least amount of time with no run-off or evaporation.
Where are the drip holes located on a Treegator Original?
On a Treegator Original, the water release holes are located on the bottom corners on the front of the bag, just behind the folds.
What size tree can a single Treegator Original water?
A single Treegator Original should be used to water trees from 2.5 to 7.5 cm caliper (trunk diameter).
What's a Treegator Original Double Bag setup?
To water trees from 10 to 20 cm caliper (trunk diameter), zip two (2) Treegator Original Bags together back-to-back around the tree trunk. This is called a Double Bag setup.
Will a Treegator Original degrade over time due to exposure to UV rays?
A Treegator Original is guaranteed not to break down or degrade due to extended UV exposure for at least 5 years from the date of purchase. Treegator is made with a UV-stabilized polyethylene material that block the sun's harming rays.
About how long will it take for me to install and fill a single Treegator Original?
It takes approximately 2 to 5 minutes to install and fill a single Treegator Original.
Is there a minimum size tree that I can use a Treegator Original on?
A Treegator Original should not be used on a tree with a trunk diameter less than 1 inch. The bag uses the trunk a slight bit for support, and trees under 2.5 cm caliper will not support a Treegator Original.
If an empty Treegator is left on for an extended period of time, will it hurt the tree?

Treegator is not designed to be a permanent installation - it's portability is one of the features that make it unique - and we typically recommend that the bags be stored when not in use. However, if a Treegator Original is left on a tree for an extended period of time, it should not harm the tree.

A Treegator Original creates shade around the trunk and root area, which can cause insects to inhabit the shaded area; However, unless the bug is a wood boring insect, there should be no harm done to the tree.

Can additives liquid fertilizers or stimulants be added to a Treegator Original?

Yes. Additives such as liquid or water soluble fertilizers / stimulants / nutrients can be added to a Treegator Original.

To avoid any clogging issues, it is strongly recommended that the additives be pre-mixed in a separate container, and then added to the bag after filling to 1/4 capacity with clean water. NOTE: This is not necessary with dissolvable fertilizer pouches.

Make sure the additives mix ratio is correct, using the watering frequency chart as a guide to dictate the water capacity of a Treegator Original Slow Release Watering Bag

Can a Treegator Original be used on a tree that is on a hill or steep grade?
Yes. A Treegator Original can be used on a hillside or steep grade. However, the bag must be positioned with the zippers on the uphill side of the tree trunk, with the front of the bag facing downhill. This will allow the bag to empty properly.